As a dad to a 2-year-old, I’ve seen our home get overrun by plastic toys most of them well-intentioned gifts. It didn’t take long to realize that relying on these toys wasn’t sustainable for the planet or helpful for our son’s growth. We needed a better option, one that supported his development *and* aligned with our values.
During his 12-month NHS check-up, we filled out the ASQ-3 questionnaire and learned he was ‘behind schedule’ in three out of five areas. Naturally, we went on a mission to find toys that could help him catch up.
We tried a toy subscription service focused on development. At first, our toddler showed little interest, and we thought he just wasn’t into it. But we quickly realized the problem: toys aren’t just for fun—they’re essential tools for learning. If a toy isn’t suited to a child’s developmental stage, they can’t engage with it in the right way. Eventually, he caught up and loved the toys, but then came the downside: more plastic, no transparency on materials, and no return system to avoid clutter.
That’s when I realized there’s a real gap in the market. As an ex-management consultant who’s developed strategies for large organisations - and with an MBA from HEC Paris - I love solving problems, and this one hit close to home.
So, we decided to create our own solution: a toy brand that’s eco-friendly, designed to support kids’ developmental stages, and won’t turn your home into a plastic wasteland.
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